Article I: Name
An association has been established called the ASIAN ACADEMIC ACCOUNTING ASSOCIATION (henceforth “association”).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of the association is to provide a forum for persons with a professional interest in accounting education and research and their impact on practice. It will serve to enhance communication and cooperation among its members residing in Asia and elsewhere. It will also provide a framework for the better dissemination of information on accounting pedagogy and research and work with other academic accounting associations and professional bodies on matters of mutual interest. The association will also provide input and represent the interests and views of its members on matters relating to accounting education, research and practice.
Article III: Membership
SECTION I: Any person with a professional interest in accounting education and research shall be eligible for membership of the association upon making proper application and subject to timely payment of the association’s membership fees. The association does not have any citizenship requirements.
SECTION II: In addition to individual members, membership is also open for institutions such as business and professional firms, financial institutions, government agencies, and other similar organizations, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee. The membership fees for institutional members may be different from those for individual members.
SECTION III: Membership shall be terminated at the request of the member or when membership fees have not been paid by the due date. A member has no call on the common funds of the association in case of termination of membership.
Article IV: Meetings and voting
SECTION I: Ordinary general meetings of the membership shall be convened at such time and place as may be set by the Executive Committee (typically in conjunction with the association’s annual conference). Extraordinary general meetings of the members may be called by the Executive Committee when deemed necessary. Extraordinary general meetings may also be called at the request of at least 20 percent of the members of the association. Advance notice of at least 30 days shall be given by the Executive Committee for all extraordinary general meetings of the association.
SECTION II: Each individual member may cast one ballot for the election of the Executive Committee and on such other issues as the Executive Committee may choose to submit a vote. Each individual member present at a general meeting is entitled to vote on all issues presented, either by the Executive Committee or by members, to the meeting for vote.
SECTION III: A quorum for the conduct of business at the ordinary general meeting shall consist of the members present. A quorum for extraordinary general meetings will consist of 20 per cent of the members of the association with at least one representative present from each of at least half the countries with members in the association.
Article V: Executive Committee
SECTION I: The association shall be managed by its Executive Committee which shall consist of the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary-General, the Treasurer, and the immediate Past-President. The Executive Committee shall also have the power to co-opt members.
SECTION II: The officers shall be elected at the ordinary general meeting by a simple majority of the members present. The members will elect the President, President-Elect, the Secretary-General and the Treasurer for the association, from nominations presented by the Nominations Committee.
SECTION III: The President-Elect will automatically assume the position of President after one year. Should the President-Elect be unable or unwilling to serve as president at this time, a President shall be elected from nominations presented by the Executive Committee.
SECTION IV: The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the day-to day affairs of the association, including those to be handled through the Secretary General. It shall be responsible for the selection of place and date of meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall also be responsible for appointing the Editor of the association’s journal, at such time, as the Association decides to start a journal.
Article VI: Officers
SECTION I: The President shall serve a one-year term. The President shall serve as the chief representative for the association, chair the Executive Committee, and preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Executive Committee. He/she shall appoint committees as are necessary for the activities of the association during his/her term of office.
SECTION II: The President-Elect shall automatically become the President of the association in the following year. The President-Elect’s main duties are:
To oversee and coordinate locally the organization of the Association’s annual conference.
To direct the affairs of the association in the event the President is unable to serve.
To preside at the association’s annual meeting if the President is unable to preside.
To perform whatever association duties the President may assign.
To prepare a budget for the next annual conference in cooperation with the association Treasurer.
SECTION III: The Secretary General shall be elected for an initial two-year term and is eligible for re-election to additional one-year terms. The main duties of the Secretary General are:
To supervise the keeping of records of the association’s annual meeting and the meetings of the Executive Committee.
To send minutes of the meetings to members of the Executive Committee, within a timely period, for their review by a specified date.
To identify candidates to host the Association’s annual conference.
To provide information to members and others.
To work with the Executive Committee on organizing the association’s ordinary general meeting as well as any extraordinary general meetings.
To oversee the election of the association’s officers.
SECTION IV: The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term and is eligible for election to additional one-year terms. The main duties of the treasurer are:
To deposit and record the association’s revenues and outlays.
To send copies of semi-annual financial reports to the Executive Committee.
To have primary responsibility for preparing a budget, in cooperation with the President-Elect, and prepare semi-annual and annual financial reports for the association. The semi-annual and annual reports shall be sent to all members of the Executive Committee.
To review and approve all requests for reimbursement, based on budgetary authority. In the event that the reimbursement request is not provided for in the budget, the Treasurer will request review and approval by the Executive Committee; unless the amount involved is less than US$100 in which case it may be approved by the President of the Association.
Article VII: Nominations
SECTION I: The Nominations Committee will consist of the two most recent immediate past-presidents of the association, two representatives elected by the Executive Committee members, and three members-at-large elected by the membership at the ordinary general meeting. The senior past president will be the ex-officio chair of the Nominations Committee.
SECTION II: The Nominations Committee must, by majority vote, recommend a single slate of nominations, for the positions of President-Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer, and three members of the Nominations committee to be voted upon by the association members at the annual general meeting of the association. Starting in 2004, the slate of nominees must be submitted to the Executive Committee at least sixty days prior to the Association’s annual general meeting. The Secretary General and Treasurer will not be on the slate of nominations in the second year of their term.
Article VIII: Finance
SECTION I: The structure and level of fees shall be reviewed by the Executive Committee and subject to the approval of members at the ordinary general meeting.
SECTION II: Members whose fees are unpaid by the end of the calendar year shall be withdrawn from the membership roll.
SECTION III: Annual accounts for association and accounts of the annual conference shall be prepared and submitted to the members by the Treasurer at the ordinary general meeting together with auditor’s reports thereon. The accounts will thereafter be posted on the association’s web site.
Article IX: Amendments
SECTION I: Amendments to these statutes are to be proposed by the Executive Committee and only shall be operative if approved by a simple majority of the members at the ordinary general meeting of the Association. Also amendments can be proposed at the request of at least 20 percent of the members. Proposed amendments shall be submitted to the membership at least sixty days prior to the ordinary general meeting through an announcement published on the Association’s web site.